4woman Ladies


Gory Details

I don't know if this happens to anybody else, but when I'm having myperiod I have to pee constantly. I don't worry about having any leaks becauseI am in the bathroom so often. I guess this has something to do with thebladder and the uterus being right next to each other.

On the first day of my period I often feel a bit like I'm in a fog.This is something I didn't begin to experience until I was in my twenties.I feel a bit like I'm not quite awake. Sometimes I will be a little bituncoordinated or mix up words I'm saying. I often feel on this day thatI would like to be alone. I feel meditative and not particularly extroverted.After the first day or two, I usually don't really notice my period. Theflow is strongest for the first two to three days, when there is a lotof blood and clumps of sloughed-off lining. After that it tapers off. Myperiod lasts about seven days, but is very light the last two or threedays. On the last day or two the flow turns a greenish-yellow color andhas a sort of acrid smell. I have no idea what this is, but I have gottenused to it, and I've talked to one other person who has a similar thingat the end of her period.

I think the most 'uncomfortable' part of my period is the total flushingout of my body. All of my bodily functions seem to speed up so that I havea rush out of my colon, uterus and bladder. Sometimes this is a littleconfusing.

I have an irregular flow, but I have noticed lately that I bleed quiteheavily in the first day and then it is over except for a couple days oflight spotting. The day that is heavy is difficult. The best thing to dowould be to just lie in bed, but it seems that I must always work or havesomething planned for that day.

My period is no fun. I have really bad cramps starting the day before,my back aches, my thighs ache, and I get headaches. I take Advil for thecramps, four pills at a time. I bleed like crazy. I can go through a super-plus tampon in an hour or less. The first day of my period I'm always runningback and forth to the bathroom. If I don't stay on top of it, blood wouldliterally be running down my legs.

I like pads usually, but the one thing that really bugs me is how theystart to chafe by the second day. Maybe it has to do with my vulva beingextra sensitive at that time, but there is always a point when I just wantto rip the pad out of my panties and be free, especially in hot weather.

For the last few years my periods have been made up mostly of - well,I donÕt know what they are - I call them clots. They are chunksof almost black stuff, accompanied by some blood. I guess these are bigpieces of my uterine lining. My friends and I call this "chunky style."Whatever they are, they are amazing. I can feel them when they are comingdown, and when I can I head to the bathroom to pass them straight intothe toilet. I do this partially because they don't absorb into napkinsvery fast, and they feel gloppy, and partially because I want to see them.They actually sort of sit on top of tampons, and make removal messy. WhenI pass a big one I feel kind of shaky, like I've lost a big part of myself..

Here's a big hint: when you are wearing shorts and having your period,always check your thighs for blood before you leave the bathroom!

I don't know if this happens to anybody else, but when I'm having my periodI have to pee constantly. I don't worry about having any leaks becauseI am in the bathroom so often. I guess this has something to do with thebladder and the uterus being right next to each other.

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