4woman Ladies


Again, you should be able to find one or two brands in most better healthfood stores. Then again, I live in California, it might not be as easyin other places. They'll cost around 5 to 10 dollars each, which seemslike a lot, but remember, you use them over and over. Try one or two out,and if you like the concept, buy several sizes and shapes to last you throughyour period.

If you can't find them in the stores, here are some mail order sources:

  • Glad Rags, P.O. Box 12571, Portland, OR 97212, phone:(503)238-8624
  • Many Moons, 14-130 Dallas Road, Victoria, BC, V8V 1A3
  • Modern Women's Choice, P.O. Box 245, Gabriola, B.C., VOR 1XO
  • New Cycle Products, Inc., Menstrual Wealth Catalogue, P.O. Box 1775,Sebastopol, CA 95473
  • Eco-Logique, Inc.

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