I Have Done the Online Dating Thing
I have done the online dating thing for awhile now, and its worked out a little here and there. Just recently, I decided to be far more selective about who I first approach, since I felt that I was wasting a lot of time with trying to date everyone that was listed on the site. This has helped greatly.
I met a women recently who in our first conversation, I was totally taken away by how much we had in common, and what seemed to be instant, and organic, chemistry. We also seemed to have the same values, which was nice! I'm pretty good about figuring people out, and I've had enough dating experiences to understand what happens when you first chat with someone, but I can't understand how I can be so taken with someone with whom I have only shared a small amount of emails and only had one 2 hour conversation with!
The fact that the conversation itself turned into 2 hours seems pretty remarkable to me, and she seems to feel the same way. Here's the problem though, she lives 1,000 miles away from me. Can you find your soul mate while dating online, and can you that this is the person from only a phone call and some emails? I am a bit skeptical by nature, and was wondering if anyone else has had a similar, positive, story to share that turned out successfully?
I have met my boyfriend online. We started out as friends, then dated, but we fell in love so deeply and so fast, yet, we were thousand of miles apart. He ended up moving to the city I live in.
Online relationships can turn out well, I have direct experience with this. But make sure that you both know about each other very well. Take the time up front to find out about that person, not only by asking questions but observing how they react to you and what you say. Be honest to each other, because sometimes people lie online, so be careful of that kind of person. Sometimes love happens even if you do not see or meet that person in person. Its truly a miracle.